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Blood Divided

Available NOW
from SparkPress

Kyra Valorian and Sebastian Sayre have finally remembered their pasts as the former Felserpent Queen and King, and not it's time for them to change the future—by reuniting the realms and bringing peace to Astrals and Daevals. But tensions between Aeles and Nocens have never been higher, and those of silver and gold blood are more divided than ever.


In addition to improving her recovrancy abilities and completing her internship, Kyra is determined to uncover her father's role in the evil Astral experimentation program, no matter the danger. As Sebastian learns to be in a relationship, he finds himself facing the traumas of two very different pasts, forcing him to make tough decisions about his chose profession and who he wants to be. Tallus, arch-enemy to the Felserpent monarchy, has also returned, and it will take help from Cyphers, as well as friends both old and new, to find and stop him.


As Kyra and Sebastian struggle to navigate the differences between their past and current relationship in this thrilling sequel to Reign Returned, one thing's clear: changing the future means surviving the past, and the choices they make will reach all the way into Death.

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Survive the past.
Change the future.

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